Please read below or click here to download a copy of the current Thorpe Residents' Association Constitution (2019).







The name of the Association shall be “The Thorpe Ward Residents’ Association” (T.W.R.A.)


a)       To improve and preserve amenities in the Thorpe Ward of the Runnymede Borough Council or its successors and to consider all matters of interest to the residents in the Borough of Runnymede except religious and other than as specified in 2b below, party political matters.

b)      To nominate and support the election of Councillors, who shall not represent the interests of any political party other than the Runnymede Independent Residents’ Group (RIRG) to the Borough and County Council or their successor bodies. Support for any councillor or candidate who is considered by the committee to be acting contrary to the objects and policies of the TWRA may be withdrawn.


a)       All residents of Thorpe Ward shall be eligible to become members of the Association. Residents of nearby wards may also become members at the discretion of, and with the approval of, the Committee. All members shall have an equal vote.

b)      Members shall at all times conduct themselves in accordance with the Association’s Code of Conduct

c)       Any person aged eighteen or over who is a member of a household for which the subscription for the current period of membership has been paid and accepted by the Association shall be deemed to be a member of the Association entitled to vote at the General Meeting of the Association. They shall remain Members so entitled to vote until as such time as the subscription for any subsequent period is more than two months overdue provided that they have not resigned or refused to pay the subscription for that subsequent period.

d) The grade of Associate Member shall exist specifically for those residents who are already a fully paid-up member of another resident association from within the ward. Such Associate Members will be entitled to receive information on association and community-related matters as deemed appropriate by the Committee. These are the only benefits and entitlements that Associate Member grade shall receive. For the avoidance of doubt Associate Members will have no voting rights and have no right to attend an association meeting.


a)       The amount of the annual subscription shall be such as is recommended from time to time by the Committee and confirmed by an Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.)

b)      The Annual subscription then current, is payable upon joining the Association and subsequent subscriptions shall be due on 1st January each year and payable within two months of that date. The Subscription for Associate Member will be collected at the same time they subscribe as full member to their preferred alternative resident association.


The business of the Association shall be conducted by a Committee elected at each Annual General meeting.

a)       The Officers shall be the Chairman, two Vice Chairman, Secretary, Planning Secretary and Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Information Officer and Social & Funding Officer and such other officers as the Committee may appoint. These roles may be undertaken by more than one Committee member. One Committee member may be appointed to more than one role. Some roles may be vacant at certain times.

b)      The Chairman shall be responsible overall for the work of the Association and shall preside at, and have full authority for the conduct of, all general and committee meetings including the power of adjournment. In the absence of the Chairman, a Vice Chairman shall deputise. The Chairman at any meeting shall have a casting but no other vote.

c)       The Secretary shall be responsible for the administrative work of the Association and act generally under the direction and by the authority of the Committee or by resolution of the Association in a General Meeting.

d)      The Treasurer shall receive all monies and pay all accounts passed by the Committee and act generally under the direction of the Committee and shall prepare a statement of receipts and payments to 31st December each year. In accordance with any guidance or framework laid down by the Treasurer of the RIRG, and both offices may be held by the same person, the Treasurer shall also set up and maintain accounting records capable of meeting any statutory requirements to which the RIRG may be subject. Any requirement to produce separate accounts or maintain separate funds shall not require the separation of assets unless there is a legal requirement to do so. The accounts of the Association, and any produced by the Association on behalf of RIRG shall be audited by a person appointed annually for that purpose and shall be presented for adoption at the next A.G.M.

e)      The Planning Secretary shall examine all planning matters which may have an effect on Thorpe Ward, and shall advise the Committee of such matters with comments.

f)        The Membership Secretary will be responsible for organising and co-ordinating recruitment campaigns to retain and improve our share of the community.

g)       The Information Officer will be responsible for the maintenance and distribution of information to our membership.

h)      The Social & Funding Officer will be responsible for the obtaining of additional funding and organising with the assistance of others social functions for the Association.


a)       The committee shall consist of the Officers and not more than sixteen other members.

b)      A quorum shall be one third of the existing Committee members but not less than five members.

c)       The Committee may: -

1)      Fill any vacancy temporarily till the next A.G.M.

2)      Co-opt additional members up to a maximum of four at any one time and invite such persons as they see fit to attend any meeting.

3)      At any time appoint a Sub-Committee to act on its behalf to deal with any specific subjects.

4)      Unless otherwise agreed by the Committee, the Secretary shall ensure that all Committee members receive at least seven days’ notice of meetings.

5)      The Committee shall cause minutes to be taken of all meetings of the Association.

6)      Decisions made by the Committee shall be by simple majority of those present and voting in person.

7)      The Committee shall :-

                 i.     Appoint the Officers.

                 ii.    Carry out the business of the Association in accordance with the policy agreed at General Meetings.

                 iii.    Hold a minimum of nine meetings a year, one within one month of any General meeting and a Special Meeting upon the requisition of the Chairman or three Committee members. The agenda for the nine meetings of the Committee shall include an opportunity for members of the Association to attend and speak.

                  iv.    Abridged Minutes of Committee meetings will be available on the Association web site and items of potential interest to members will be circulated to those members for whom we hold an email address as and when they arise.


No member of the Association, including Officers, and other Committee members, shall purport to communicate on behalf of the Association unless authorised to do so by the Committee.


a)       At least twenty-one days’ notice shall be given of all General Meetings. The notice shall include the time, date and venue of the meeting, and, except that it is unnecessary to specify the ordinary business of an A.G.M., the nature of the business transacted. Notice shall be given in such a way or ways that will in the opinion of the Committee come to the attention of most of its members. Written notice addressed to each member is not required.

b)      A Special Meeting shall be held at any time at the written request of 20 members of the Association to the Secretary, specifying the business to be discussed.

c)       Voting shall be by show of hands unless a majority of members present demand a ballot, in which case the ballot shall be conducted as the Chairman of the meeting directs. The election of the Committee shall always be by ballot.

d)      Decisions shall be by simple majority.


a)       The A.G.M. shall be held as soon as conveniently possible after 1st March.

b)      The ordinary business of an A.G.M. shall be presentation of the accounts and reports from the Chairman and Treasurer, the election of the Committee members and the appointment of the Auditor.

            i.            No Officer or Committee member shall be eligible for re-election unless they have attended no less than two-thirds of the Committee meetings, except by general consent of the Committee.

            ii.            No person other than a retiring Officer or Committee member shall be eligible for election unless they are recommended by the existing Committee, or, not less than seven nor more than twenty one clear days before the date of the meeting, written notice has been given to the secretary of the intention to propose that person.

c)       Notice of any business other than ordinary business as described in (d) above must be given to the Secretary at least thirty days before the meeting to enable it to be included in the notice of the meeting. Except with the Chairman’s permission, no motion shall be voted upon unless its proposer and seconder shall have given the Secretary formal notice of such a motion for inclusion in the agenda not less than seven days before the date of the General Meeting.

d)      The Constitution shall be altered only at a General Meeting by a majority vote and 21 days’ notice shall be required for such an amendment.


a)       A quorum for a meeting shall be one third of the existing Committee members but not less than five members

b)      A quorum for a General Meeting shall be fifteen members of the Association


a)       The Association shall be dissolved if a resolution to this effect is passed by a two thirds majority of those members present and voting by ballot at a Special General Meeting where the requisite notice of the intention to propose the resolution has been given.

b)      Subject to the directions of any resolution passed, the Committee shall, after payment of all debts of the Association, pay any remaining funds to an existing Thorpe Charity or use them for such other purpose specified in the resolution as it may be agreed will contribute to the amenities of Thorpe Ward.